My name is Zachary, I live and work in London(ish). I’m getting the hang of cryptic crosswords and I don’t only like coffee – I also love Earl Grey and English Breakfast tea too.
An independent book blog…
If you enjoy reading then we already have something in common (…by the way, my favourite is literary fiction – what are your favourites?). I enjoy reading so much that I wanted to share it with everyone… That’s why I started the Instagram account Always Books and Coffee in 2014. I was really surprised by how many people enjoy books and coffee! So, I started this site too – to post some of my longer reviews, opinions and other bits for anybody who might be interested. I also thought it would keep me reading, because although all I did for three years at university was read books and drink alcohol/tea/coffee, more recently I find a lot less time for reading, so I’m thankful I’ve found a spot in my life to keep my books!
If you don’t have enough spare time for reading (I know I certainly don’t…!) then browse these posts for recommendations and criticisms before you start reading.
Books and Coffee.
Always Books is an independent book blog, offering genuine reviews of new and old books alike. Give your own opinions on our reads in the comments section or via twitter, facebook or instagram!
Hopefully you’ll find the reviews and posts here interesting, valid or maybe argumentative and provoking.
However you find it, let me know with a comment, a tweet, a like or share. I’ll do my best to reply and engage; love a book discussion!
Let me know your favourite books in the comments!